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bedroom spring cleaning checklist: feng shui your way into spring

written by Liz Tabron

updated 26.03.2024

Peaceful bedroom in neutral colours

Spring is often associated with renewal and a fresh start. As the weather warms up and days get longer, people are motivated to open windows, let in fresh air, and revitalise their living spaces.

Spring cleaning is a practical response to the changing seasons. It’s the perfect time to remove any accumulated dust or clutter and prepare our homes for the warmer weather. Below we’ve popped a comprehensive bedroom spring cleaning checklist. If you want to take it one step further, keep reading to find out how you can Feng Shui your bedroom.

general cleaning

  • Dust all surfaces, including furniture, shelves, and skirting boards

  • Remove your light shades and wipe them down – the dust they can accumulate will surprise you

  • Clean windows and windowsills

  • Dust/wipe clean blinds

  • Launder or dry clean curtains

  • Clean mirrors and glass surfaces

  • Vacuum and mop the floor if you have hard floors in your bedroom or deep clean rugs and carpets


  • Wash all bedding, including bed linen (pillowcases and duvet covers) and your pillows and duvets. Duvets generally need to be taken to a laundrette as they’re too big for domestic machines, pillows should be easy enough to wash at home though. If your pillows are heavily stained or are losing their shape, it might be the time to invest in new ones

  • Flip or rotate the mattress, if possible

  • Vacuum the mattress to remove dust and allergens

  • Remove your electric blanket, air it out and then store it safely ready for later in the year

  • Consider investing in summer bedding that will keep you cool as the temperature starts to rise


  • Empty and clean out drawers, bedside tables, and wardrobes

  • Polish or dust furniture surfaces

  • Check for any repairs needed on furniture items

  • At this stage, consider rearranging your furniture for a new layout or improved energy flow – more on this below

  • Declutter your wardrobe by donating or recycling items you no longer need

  • Organise clothing, shoes, and accessories – store away your bulky winter clothing


  • Dust and clean electronic devices, such as TVs, computers, and chargers

  • Organise cables and cords to reduce visual clutter

windows and ventilation

  • Clean your windows and dust windowsills

  • Ensure windows open and close properly

  • Check and clean air vents; replace filters if needed

storage areas

  • Organise and declutter under the bed

  • Clean and organise storage bins or containers

personal touches

  • Add fresh flowers or plants for a touch of nature

  • Update or rotate decorative elements to create a new look

  • Lightly spritz the room with a pleasant, calming scent

A clean and organised environment can contribute to a sense of well-being but vitally, eliminating dust, allergens, and other pollutants during spring cleaning can create a healthier living space. If you’re someone who loves a good spring clean, whilst you’ve got your drawers pulled out, the shelves bare of clutter and the wardrobes empty…is now the perfect time to Feng Shui your bedroom?

what is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy and practice that originated over 3,000 years ago. The term "Feng Shui" translates to ‘wind-water’ in English, reflecting the emphasis on the natural elements of wind and water in the practice. Its roots are deeply intertwined with Chinese cosmology, traditional Chinese medicine, and Daoist principles.

Feng Shui is believed to have originated in ancient China as a way to harmonise individuals with their surroundings and create balance in their lives. The practice involves arranging the environment, both internal (homes or offices) and external (gardens), to optimise the flow of Qi (energy) and promote well-being, prosperity, and harmony.

Feng Shui is used to determine the optimal arrangement of furniture, colours, and other elements within a space to enhance positive energy flow and address any imbalances.

A small indoor water fountain next to a burning candle

bedroom Feng Shui: creating a harmonious space

Feng Shui principles can be applied to your bedroom to create a harmonious and balanced environment that supports restful sleep and positive energy flow. Here are some tips to Feng Shui your bedroom:

  • Feng Shui bed placement: Place your bed in the ‘command position,’ which typically means having a clear view of the bedroom door while being farthest from it. This position is considered the best direction for your bed to face and is believed to provide a sense of security and control.

  • Balance and symmetry: Strive for balance and symmetry in the bedroom. For example, use matching bedside tables and lamps on either side of the bed to create a sense of equilibrium.

  • Declutter: Remove unnecessary items and clutter from your bedroom. A tidy and organised space promotes a clear mind and positive energy flow.

  • Allow airflow under the bed: This might not be so easy if you have a divan storage bed but the rules of Feng Shui tell us to keep under the bed clear to allow energy to circulate. Declutter your underbed storage area as much as possible and ensure there is space between the bed slats and the storage compartment to aid the flow of Qi.

  • Feng Shui bedroom colours: Choose calming and soothing colours for your bedroom. Soft, muted tones like blues, greens, or neutrals are often recommended. Avoid overly bright or stimulating colours.

  • Quality bedding: Invest in high-quality bedding, including a comfortable mattress and pillows. The bed should be inviting and represent a place of rest and relaxation.

  • Artwork and decor: Select artwork and decor that promotes a sense of calm and positivity. Avoid images that evoke stress or negativity. Choose pieces that resonate with you personally and create a serene atmosphere.

  • No electronics: Minimise or eliminate electronic devices in the bedroom. The presence of screens can disrupt the flow of energy and negatively impact sleep. If possible, keep electronics out of the bedroom or at least at a distance from the bed.

  • Plants and natural elements: Introduce plants or natural elements to bring in the energy of nature. Consider adding potted plants or fresh flowers to promote vitality and freshness.

  • Soft lighting: Use soft, ambient lighting in the bedroom. Avoid harsh, overhead lights and consider using bedside lamps with dimmer switches. Soft lighting promotes a relaxing atmosphere.

  • Personal touch: Infuse your bedroom with personal touches that reflect your personality and bring joy. This could include meaningful artwork, photos, or sentimental items.

Remember that Feng Shui is a personal practice, and the key is to create a space that feels comfortable and nurturing to you. Experiment with these tips and adjust them according to your preferences to enhance the overall energy and harmony in your bedroom.

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