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5 min read

how to get out of bed in the morning

written by Simon Anthony

updated 11.10.2023

Getting out of bed in the morning can be difficult for some

We’ve got your back when it comes to shaking off the sleep and getting yourself out of bed in the morning. We understand that for many of us, waking up can be a Herculean task, but fear not, for we have captured some tried-and-true techniques to help you kickstart your day with energy and purpose. 

why is it so hard to get out of bed in the winter? 

As the chilly winter months approach, many of us find it increasingly difficult to pry ourselves out of our warm, cosy beds in the morning. The struggle is real – but have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to wake up in the winter? Let’s explore the reasons behind this and look at some tips to help you overcome it. 

Getting out of bed in the winter is especially difficult
  1. Lack of daylight:  One major contributing factor is the reduced daylight hours during winter. The limited exposure to natural light affects our body's internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm. This disruption makes it harder for us to wake up and feel energised. 

  2. Cold temperatures and cosy beds:  The winter chill makes it tempting to stay snuggled up under layers of blankets. The cozy comfort of our beds can make it incredibly challenging to leave its warmth. 

  3. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD):  Some individuals experience seasonal affective disorder during winter, a type of depression linked to the changing seasons. SAD can lead to increased fatigue and difficulty waking up in the morning – we’ll touch on this more a little later. 

how can I force myself to get out of bed?

 Setting an alarm and placing your phone out of reach can be an effective way to force yourself to get out of bed. This will require you to physically get out of bed to turn it off. Once you're up, it's essential to set a morning routine to kickstart your day. A consistent routine helps condition your body and mind to wake up more easily.  

 Start by incorporating activities you enjoy, such as stretching, meditation, reading, or exercising. This will create a sense of anticipation and motivation to get out of bed. Additionally, having a purposeful morning routine sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. It's important to be disciplined and consistent but remember to be kind to yourself. Gradually adjust your wake-up time and allow yourself to adapt to the new routine. 

 With time, getting out of bed will become more natural, and you'll start your mornings off on the right foot. 

how to wake yourself up

We've all been there - hitting the snooze button multiple times and dragging ourselves out of bed, feeling groggy and exhausted. The good news is that there are several strategies you can use to wake yourself up when tired and start your day feeling refreshed and energised. 

how to wake up in the morning properly
  1. Exercise:  One of the most efficient ways to wake yourself up is through exercise. Engaging in a quick physical activity, such as stretching, yoga, or a short workout in the morning gets your blood flowing, boosts your energy levels, and sets you up for a more productive day. 

  2. Getting natural light:  Exposing yourself to natural light in the morning helps reset your internal clock and signals to your body that it's time to wake up. Open your curtains or go outside for a few minutes to soak up the revitalising sunlight. 

  3. Eat a healthy breakfast:  Fuelling your body with a nutritious breakfast is essential for maintaining energy levels throughout the day. Opt for whole grains, protein, and fruits to provide sustainable energy and mental clarity. 

  4. Develop an empowering morning mantra:  Start your day with a positive affirmation or mantra. Repeat phrases such as "I am ready to embrace the day with enthusiasm" or "today I choose to be energised and productive." These empowering thoughts can set the tone for a motivated and lively morning. 

  5. Caffeine  Caffeine can help provide a quick energy boost, but we wouldn’t recommend relying on this to wake you up. We all enjoy a cup of coffee of tea in the morning, but also remember to avoid it too close to bedtime as it may interfere with your sleep quality, leaving you much groggier with lack of energy in the mornings. 

  6. Stick to a sleep routine  Prevention is key when it comes to waking up with more energy. Establish a good sleep routine by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Aim for a solid 8 hours of sleep to ensure you're adequately rested. 

  7. Improve your sleep quality  Improving your sleep quality can also make a significant difference. Consider investing in a better mattress that provides proper support and comfort. Additionally, educate yourself on other ways to enhance your sleep, such as creating a sleep-friendly environment and practicing relaxation techniques. 

sleeping in the winter

 Winter is the time of year when staying warm and cosy becomes a top priority. As the temperature drops, many people find it challenging to get a good night's sleep. If you're struggling to stay warm during the chilly nights, investing in winter bedding can be a game-changer. Look for materials like fleece that provides extra insulation and comfort. Additionally, consider adding an electric blanket to your bed for an extra layer of warmth. 

 Another common issue during winter is waking up with a dry and scratchy throat due to the dry air. To combat this, try using a humidifier in your bedroom. A humidifier adds moisture to the air, reducing dryness and helping to relieve a sore throat. It can also prevent dry skin and congestion that often accompany the winter months. 

still can’t get out of bed?

  If you’re still struggling and feel as though you’ve tried everything, take a closer look at your mental health and stress levels. High levels of stress can contribute to feelings of tiredness and lethargy. Consider incorporating stress-management techniques into your daily routine, such as practicing mindfulness or engaging in relaxing activities like yoga or meditation.  

 If you believe you may be struggling with an underlying medical condition, or mental health problems, your GP can assess your symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment, including medication or therapy. 

 Remember, you're not alone. Many people struggle with feeling unable to get out of bed at times. Reach out to loved ones for support and consider joining a support group or seeking professional therapy to help you navigate your emotions and develop coping strategies. 


what is SAD syndrome?

 As the colder seasons approach, it's not uncommon to feel a dip in energy and mood. However, for some individuals, this change in seasons can bring about a more serious condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD Syndrome). 

 If you find yourself consistently struggling with lack of sleep and other symptoms during these colder seasons, it may be worth looking into SAD Syndrome. This condition is characterised by a range of symptoms including low mood, low interest in daily activities, irritability, lethargy, difficulty concentrating, and finding it hard to get up in the morning. 

 SAD Syndrome is believed to be linked to the reduction of sunlight exposure during the winter months, which affects the body's natural circadian rhythms and neurotransmitter levels. It is more prevalent in areas with shorter daylight hours and colder climates. 

 If you suspect you might be experiencing SAD Syndrome, it's important to speak to a GP who can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatments.  

 Remember, you don't have to suffer through the winter months. Seek the help you need and take steps towards improving your overall well-being. 

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